Grant Award: $31,527,665
Project Lead: City of Dubuque
The Bee Branch Creek Watershed has experienced significant flooding from stormwater during heavy rain events, including six Presidential Disaster Declarations since 1999.
The Bee Branch Creek Watershed has experienced significant flooding from stormwater during heavy rain events, including six Presidential Disaster Declarations since 1999. Many homeowners have experienced flooding on such a regular basis that they have fallen behind on repairs, suffer from chronic mold and mildew problems, and live with residual structural issues. The Bee Branch Healthy Homes Resiliency Program (BBHHRP) will provide support and resources for residential properties to make repairs and implement onsite stormwater management principles. The BBHHRP will improve housing conditions and make homes more resilient to future flooding.
In addition to the BBHHRP, the Bee Branch Watershed will also include infrastructure improvements in the watershed that will help to mitigate flood damage including storm sewer capacity improvements and tunneling culverts through a railroad right-of-way to complete the restoration of the Bee Branch Creek.
Snapshot of the Bee Branch Healthy Homes Program and how it is increasing flood resilience for many Dubuque residents
Grant Award: $31,527,665
Project Lead: City of Dubuque