Ames, Iowa – The Daily Erosion Project, housed at the Iowa Water Center at Iowa State University, is now distributing Iowa Watershed Approach data to watersheds on USB drives.
Examining soil erosion is critical to the conservation planning process because soil erosion and water runoff are closely linked: water runoff fuels the occurrence of flooding throughout the state. Soil erosion and water runoff tend to degrade surface water quality and decreases land value. The Daily Erosion Project provides real time estimates of sheet and rill erosion so that conservation planners can use up-to-date information to address areas of concern at the HUC-12 watershed-level (approximately 36 square miles).
Data available on the USB drives are:
- Maps of runoff and hillslope loss that occurred in 2017
- Reports of 2008-2018 average and cumulative loss
- Raster files of soil texture maps
- .shp files of soil loss for ArcMap use
- Fact sheets and publications
USB drives will be distributed at upcoming Watershed Management Authority meetings to the watershed coordinators and watershed planners. Project partners will receive a USB drive that contains data for all of the Iowa Watershed Approach watersheds.
Questions? Contact Hanna Bates,