A new online information system is under development for the Iowa Watershed Approach enabling users to visualize and customize watershed-specific information. The Iowa Watershed Approach Information System (IWAIS) incorporates flood and water-related data from each of the nine watersheds targeted for the IWA. Available features include:

  • Flood conditions and forecasts
  • Real-time stream level and water-quality data
  • Rainfall intensity and accumulations
  • Interactive watershed map (exclusive to IWAIS)
  • Population status indicators (exclusive to IWAIS)

To access the new information system, visit iwa.iowawis.org.













The maps can be utilized to show the extent of inundation during various flood events and indicate areas that may be more dependent on aid and resources from local organizations and volunteers during a flood. The maps will also benefit city and county planners as they prepare their flood mitigation plans. These flood scenarios may help planners during their decision-making of locations to implement flood mitigation projects. Building areas with stronger resistance to flood damage will help communities as a whole boost their flood resilience. The IWA Flood Resilience Program will continue to work closely with the watersheds to add new features to this system.

The IWAIS was developed from the existing frameworks of the Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS) and the Iowa Water Quality Information System (IWQIS). The IWAIS will incorporate the same data from the existing IFIS and IWQIS platforms, but will display it within the context of the nine watersheds involved in the IWA.

The IWA is a collaboration of numerous agencies, universities, non-profits, and municipalities. Partners include: Iowa Economic Development Authority, Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management, University of Iowa/Iowa Flood Center, Iowa State University, University of Northern Iowa, City of Dubuque, City of Coralville, City of Storm Lake, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Natural Resources Conservation Service, County Soil & Water Conservation Districts, The Nature Conservancy, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Farm Bureau, Iowa Agricultural Water Alliance, local Resource Conservation & Development offices, local Council of Governments offices, Iowa Department of Transportation, Iowa Association of Counties, Silver Jackets Flood Risk Management Team, and many more.

For questions or comments about the flood resilience component of the IWA, contact Ashlee Johannes at 319-384-1730 or Ashlee-johannes@uiowa.edu.